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Specifies which usage blocks a project should consume.

uses { "ProjectA" }

The uses API is used to consume usage blocks from within a project. The usage blocks are case sensitive.

Usage Resolution Priority

  1. PUBLIC and INTERFACE usage scopes within a project of the corresponding name.
  2. usage blocks with the corresponding name in any scopes.

Note: If there are duplicate usage blocks with the same resolved name, the selected usage block is unspecified. usage blocks should have unique names if they are not specified as PUBLIC, PRIVATE, or INTERFACE.

Applies To

Projects and usage configurations.


Demonstration of using uses. When specifying a uses matching a project name containing a PUBLIC or INTERFACE usage block, the uses statement will match against that. If a project with a PUBLIC or INTERFACE usage block cannot be found, then it will fall back to searching all usage blocks to match the provided name, as described above.

project "MyProject"
usage "PUBLIC"
defines { "PUBLIC_DEF" }
usage "Custom"
defines { "CUSTOM_DEF" }

project "MyExe"
uses { "MyProject" }

project "MyDLL"
uses { "Custom" }

See Also